Friday, May 15, 2009

Improvised Organ Epiphany

the clothes, like everything else, were starting to pile up and had been for months. the hazelnuts had been roasted too hot or too long depending and were running out besides. and that wet smell wasn't seeming to let go none. but despite it all the music hit hard and fast with that snare not missing a single upbeat no not one. and it seemed like no one could keep off their feet with skirts and curls a' flyin'. all it took was those two chords to scream down the world outside, but six minutes is more a battle less a war so it was only the matter of time before that deranged guitar got locked up a silence. but if you're patient and you can hold steady the road and good luck making it through the late night piano minor key accusatory of alley puddles cobblestoned - another six minute battle but from the other side - then you get the best of bible story barn burners ever put to the reel complete with slide whistle and fire tongue. but don't forget that like all the good that gets you to goin' this one's ornery and mean like a knife without a handle and no matter how loud you scream down the world outside it's only going to scream back louder and the only thing to do is start it over, turn it up, and scream right back again. me, i kinda like getting blasted outta my skin.

if you've ever been through the crossroads then you've felt it. you know exactly what i'm talking about.

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