Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Chin Down Gorgeous And Out

he walked in like he owned the damn place sittin' hell crashin' into it like he meant to be there ages ago and without waitin' to even be asked,
-what's your fuckin' problem?
-what ain't.
-wanna talk about it?
-fuck no.
-you want a drink?
-don't see no reason to stop now.

i walked out to get the necessaries near to dreadin' what i knew was goin' to be another...
-and i don't need no glass, he yelled into me,
...emotional tantrum
-long as you're in my house you'll use a goddamn glass, i yelled back.

i walked back out with bottle and glass to find him drainin' what was left of my own.
-i was gonna finish that, asshole.
-i saved you the trouble.
-why're you so damned sweet.
-i's raised on candy. it's why i take my coffee simple - i'm sweet enough as it is.
-yeah yeah i heard that one before. now s'pose you tell me just what the hell is goin' on.

i dropped a needle. and he proceeded to unload upon me a moanin' older and tireder than a catholic mass.

-i climb aboard busses with a liquid fire in my gut gettin' ready to turn loose up out and every which-a-way with soulless stare out windows at couples and suits and fancy cars and hapinesses i ain't never gonna have and i know i know it ain't the wants i should be wantin' what with my constitution but it's becomin' thoughts i cain't shake nor seem to and i look back and i cain't even tell where it all went wrong 'cause i'm so far in, so deep that there ain't no gettin' out nor even a clear view a such.

i had heard this same from him long as we'd been what you might could call a couple so i looked at him with those eyes a mine he's always goin' about,
-i got an idea.
i took his hand
-and bring the bottle
and pulled his depressed dysfunctional ass off a my couch

we fought with the basement key like we always seem to be doin' but after a minute or five we got the lock to slide a satisfyin' click to the left with what always feels to me like a tiny little orgasm but i always feel foolish for thinkin' such so i said nothin'. i took his hand and pulled him in leadin' on through the darkness of cobwebs and forgotten memories to the back shelf that's seemed laid untouched since as long as my people been here which is to say a very long time indeed. and with a lighter flicker flame afire we were all at once illuminated in the glow standin' face to front with a diffrent time starin' us down and darin' to be unlocked. he shot a look,
-what the fuck is all this?
-exactly what it looks like. canned goods.
he picked up a jar labeled like so few in front of us and read,
-pickled green tomatoes. with dill. july twelve nineteen eighty one.
-i been savin' these for a special occasion.
-whose are these?
-fuck if i know.

we grabbed a few and took 'em outside just in the case they was noxious toxic explosive or maybe just a little whoa. we cracked the tomatoes first figurin' that if nothin' else it had a label givin' in to the human nature of needin' the comfort of classification. a twist. that age ago sound of metal on glass. a screwdriver. the sucking pop seal break. and there it was.
-you gonna taste it? i asked
-smells alright. why the fuck not. if i don't wake up in the morning i cannot imagine it would be a huge loss or a major loss or any sort of a loss at all.
-shut the fuck up, jackass.
he dipped a slow finger inside and brought it to lips,
-tastes alright actually.
i slipped a finger into the dark ill lit liquid darkness and had myself a taste. he pulled a piece out and held it to his face,
-here goes.
he took a bite of tomato about my own age and all a sudden started to smilin',
-let's open the rest, he said, that smile still face spread all over like i hadn't seen in so long a time.

we spent the next bit awhile openin' fightin' with age old lids laughin' bottle washin' down tastes of what coulda been figs and blackberries and who knows what a else endin' up grass layin' side by side. and after a time of silence and star speculation he managed to say,
-you really do make it hard to be hard on myself.
i looked over to him and knew that i was askin' for trouble. this some silly boy next to me on greener grass than any other side of a fence could ever dream.

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