Saturday, August 15, 2009

So Here's The Deal

number 1) i'm gonna be reading some of these stories / prose poems / stream-of-consciousness mini-essays on humanity as it loosely relates to my own life (very loosely - you think all this is true?) and as preparation i'm interested in how these are perceived by the people who've read them - at least all the people that aren't me. so i wanna hear any thoughts, criticisms, ideas you might have or have had as a result of these posts. which brings me to...

number 2) if you have ever read this or are reading this now, please leave at the very least a short comment, a name, a dirty word, just something to quell my curiosity over just who the hell has been digging though my drawers and just how many drawer diggers you might be.

now i said "deal" so i'll uphold my end by continuing to write. maybe even more frequently. maybe not. think you're getting the short end of the stick? tant pis - start paying me for it. i accept cash, antique musical instruments, and beer.

love love love


Chelsea said...

Don't "Tant pis" me.
Suggestion: Start using my name in more (any) posts, and quick changing my gender.

Note: I can't wait to hear you read these in a week and 2 days.

Stephanie said...

i'm intrigued how the accent is going to come out aloud. :)

for proper literary commentary, call if you feel like it.


Brother said...

I've already told you what I think. Beer's on me next time I see you.

moviebuffkt said...

i'm only commenting because your blog told me and i do what blog says. bloggy blog.

Jamie said...

you know i read it, and i enjoy 99% of the things you put up. i'd tell you what the 1% is, but then i'd have to kill you. and that'd just be messy.